Having busted the so-called ‘Centre for Open Politics’ as a front for Conservative Future in my last post, I did a little more digging and turned up this information from the site’s domain registration information…
Domain name: sunlight-cops.org.uk
Registrant: Centre for Open Politics Limited
Registrant type: UK Limited Company, (Company number: 1234567)
Registrant’s address: Albion Buildings, 1 Back Hill, London EC1R 5HT
At which, curiosity led me to wondering just exactly who else, if anyone, might also be operating out of the Albion Building in Camden, which led me to this copyright notice on the website of a certain online advertising company that is a known associate of the blogger whose comments put me on to this particular Conservative Future false flag operation…
© EOS Online Media Ltd. Albion Buildings 1 Back Hill, London EC1R 5HT
Well, that is a surprise, isn’t it boys and girls.
I’ve blogged this, with some additional information at Lib Con, which is well worth a read…
a fair COP?
Another coincidence:
Sunlight Centre for Open Politics – Fax No 070 9201 2337
MessageSpace – Fax Number 070 9201 2337
Guy Fawkes – Fax Number (is or at least was)070 9201 2337