If, like me, you’re a bit of an aficionado of improvised comedy shows like the classic ‘Who’s Line is it Anyway’ or ‘Mock The Week’ then you’ll know that one of the staples of such shows is the ‘World’s Worst’ round in which comedians are given a hypothetical scenario and asked to come up with ideas for the worst possible thing that could be said in that situation.
Well, in a curious turn of events it seems that the basic premise of the ‘World’s Worst’ round has managed to cut across all the usual boundaries of genre and good taste in order to ship up on Sky News where. during an interview with the wife of recently convicted serial killer, Steve Wright, Kay Burley chose to put this incisive to her guest:
Do you think if you’d had a better sex life, he wouldn’t have done this?
I’m that the very first thing that crossed the poor woman’s mind on discovering that her husband had murdered five prostitutes in the space of 10 days – if only I’d fucked him a bit more often then maybe none of this would have happened.
On this occasion I’ll leave then job of making a serious point to Jennie:
I’ve lost count of the times I have objected to this infantilisation of men – that they can’t be held responsible for their own actions; it’s all the fault of their mother/lover/grandma/female school teacher/murder victim/whatever – on feminist grounds, but surely it’s wrong from a male point of view as well? Don’t men want to be grown ups? Do they actually want to be mothered and smothered into irrelevancy?
Largely because Burley, whose got previous form for talking complete bollocks on air, and deserves nothing more than complete derision. In 2001 she announced, during Sky’s coverage of the September 11th attack on the World Trade Centre, that “If you’re just joining us, the entire eastern seaboard of the United States has been decimated by a terrorist attack.” – not in Osama’s wildest dreams or the most bizarre fantasies of Fox News did 19 blokes, 4 planes and a few box cutters wipe out 10% of the US population from New England to fucking Florida.
There seems to be a few calls going around for Burley to sacked rather than transferred to the Comedy Channel, which seems a tad harsh while there’s the chance of extracting a bit of entertainment value out of the dumb fucker, I can hardly wait for her to interview the police who’re leading the investigation in allegations of systematic child abuse at the former Haut de la Garenne children’s home on Jersey.
Following on from the serious allegations of child abuse at the Haut de la Garenne children’s home and the discovery of human remains in an underground cellar, we’ve managed to secure an exclusive interview with the police officer leading the investigation.
Deputy Police Chief Harper, thank you for agreeing to talk to Sky News…
Can I ask you, first of all, do you think any of this could have been avoided if the Nazis who occupied Jersey during World War II had thought to brick up the cellar in 1943?
Further suggestions for the world’s worst interviewing job you could give to Kay Burley – let’s call it the Burley-esque Round – will of course be welcomed in comments.
Fuck me, if there’s one thing guaranteed to top even a Sky News presenter in the fuckwittery stakes in the kind of complete cunts you get commenting on a story like this on Sky News’s website… and this is a real comment, BTW.
While his lack of sex in the bedroom is no excuse whatsoever for killing 5 prostitutes, I cannot help but bring out the fact to be considered here – the high age gap between couples, particularly if the older one happens to be the female. In Steve’s case, his partner is 60years old, 11 years older than him. Can anyone show me a 60 year old pensioner that still wants sex? She will be medically dry. Even my wife at 42 years old do not want sex anymore! So for such a man with such a high sex drive, what chance has he got with a 60year old, who will probably not be sexually active? Hence, I think there needs to be some sort of govt regulations into age gaps in marriages, in other to prevent such incidences occurring where the younger partner, with a higher sex drive will have to resolve to either prostitutes or affairs for sex. That said, lack of sex should not make a man a killer, so if he has indeed killed all those 5 women, keep him in and throw away the keys!!!
Posted by Jude Fellows from Chelsea
It’s difficult to know quite what to consider the highlight of this comment, there’s this bizarre suggestion:
I think there needs to be some sort of govt regulations into age gaps in marriages, in other to prevent such incidences occurring where the younger partner, with a higher sex drive will have to resolve to either prostitutes or affairs for sex.
WTF? There’s bansturbation and there’s bansturbation but that suggestion takes the fucking biscuit.
Then there’s this sparkling observation…
Can anyone show me a 60 year old pensioner that still wants sex? She will be medically dry.
Apart from being a fucking repulsive comment to make – way to much fucking speculation there – it seems pretty obvious that ‘Josh’ has never heard of KY jelly, all which perhaps explains his next remark…
Even my wife at 42 years old do not want sex anymore!
Anyone get the feeling that the words ‘with me’ might be missing from that sentence from somewhere between the words ‘sex’ and ‘anymore’?
A word of advice, Josh, just because you ain’t getting any it don’t follow that… you get my drift?
Fuck me, Between Kay Burley and this Josh character, the Sky News website currently looks a hell of lot like an online meeting of “Morons Unanimous”.
Word to the unity; KY is horrid stuff and goes all sticky and manky (if you’d ever been for a smear test…)
Astroglide all the way, baby
(PS, thanks for the quote)
There is a petition collecting signatures to have Kay Burley suspended here: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/sack-kay-burley/sign.html
Should be working, but ended up here after angrily typing ‘Kay Burley is useless’ into Google. No particular reason, it seems to be my first thought each day when I turn on the TV and Sky News is on.. she is so bad, and so smug, and so bloody uninteresting…why is she still on!!
There should be an additional category on the petition, 1 for disgraceful Wright interview, and 1 for general ineptitude.
Glad I got that off my chest…
Kay Burley is an ass!