Press Stand Accused of Illegal Activity

Congratulations and well done to Iain Dale for breaking this story:

EXCLUSIVE: Press Stand Accused of Illegal ActivityFollowing up my story yesterday (HERE) on the scandalous conduct of many of our national newspapers and journalists I can now exclusively reveal the contents of a report to be submitted to Parliament tomorrow by the Information Commissioner, which outlines the extent to which our national newspapers – and their journalists – are breaking the law to obtain confidential information illegally.

1. Daily Mail – 952 incidents by 58 different journalists
2. Sunday People – 802 incidents by 50 different journalists
3. Daily Mirror – 681 incidents by 45 different journalists
4. Mail on Sunday – 266 incidents by 33 different journalists
5. News of the World – 182 different incidents by 19 different journalists

Yesterday on Lord it was revealed through a Freedom of Information request that 305 different journalists had been identified during Operation Motorman as using one particular agency to obtain confidential information like telephone records, bank account details and medical records.

Iain’s first run at this – linked in the excerpt above – also points to the press having (allegedly) gained access to information from the Police National Computer.

No real surprise to see the Daily Mail topping the list.

3 thoughts on “Press Stand Accused of Illegal Activity

  1. Thanks for highlighting this. I hadn’t actually seen the breakdown of figures.

    I must say I am surprised to see the Daily Mail topping the list. I would have thought that that dubious honour would go to the News of the World.

  2. Interesting. Just read an analysis of the Press Complaints Commission as it pertains to complaints over Muslims/Islam, written by Julian Petley at Brunel. PCC=toothless, mirage of regulation. No wonder journalists are behaving like this. Press freedom is one thing, but why does that necessitate a wholesale lack of accountability as it even pertains to honesty and integrity? The balance is all wrong.

  3. And remember, folks, national databases are there for your security and convenience.

    I’m sorry, I’ll read that again, for the convenience of identity hackers and unethical journos.

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