Let’s take a quick head count here.
So far we have John Hemming getting jiggy with a Birmingham City Councillor and broadening his extended family, both the former Leader of the Parliamentary party and the Leader in the House of Lords on the ten-step programme and now former leadership candidate and Home Affairs spokesman, Mark Oaten, resigning over an apparent affair with a ‘rent boy’.
Is there anything else the Lib Dems are keeping quiet? Does Chris Hfuhruhurr have an outstanding arrest warrant dating back to his student days? Will Simon Hughes run for office as a pretty straight kind of guy? Perhaps Ming the Merciless really is Ming the Merciless – the big gold ring with the red stone might be the big giveaway.
Who knows? At this rate by next week it’ll be announced that Pete Doherty is the new Lib Dem spokesman on the Arts and Lembit Opik will come out of the closet and admit that he really is an alien?
Confused? You certainly will be by next week’s episode of the Liberal Democrats.