Another Day, Another Fisking

There’s a first rate ruck going on over at Crooked Timber arising out Daniel having noticed that the agenda of Unite Against Terror seems to be expanding to include attacking the BBC for not editorialising its news coverage in the style of Fox News. Oddly enough, since this […]

The pro-war left gets a good fisking…

The whole piece that follows is basically a comprehensive ‘fisking’ of an article by Anthony Browne which appeared in the Sunday Times, earlier this week, and which has been held up be several pro-war blogs as a synopsis/exemplar of their position on Islamic radicalism. All you need to […]

If ignorance is bliss…

…then Stephen Pollard must be the happiest man on the planet. I’m certainly not alone in wondering just what the fuck this guy has to do with the Labour Party given that he makes Blair look like a raving Trot – Antonia Bance is certainly wondering the same […]


Hoon is not a name for a politician. Ok, so it lends itself nicely to the apt nickname ‘Buff’ and to the good folks of Australia (and Earls Court) it describes the kind of idiot who drill holes in the exhaust of his car to make it ‘sound […]